The Royal Palace in Prague was illuminated in a lovely manner, the castle almost looked like one from a fairy tale. In front of the entrance was a long red carpet leading into the building. In the building itself the visitors were guided into the magnificent Vladislav Hall where the first show of the Prague Fashion Week was going to take place. It was a very big event, drawing famous people from all over the world to Prague.
So Ole Taka Halversen was very honoured to receive an invitation for two for the event. At first he had thought it was a practical joke somebody pulled at him, but Eliska convinced him that the invitation was not that absurd taken the fact that Ole was quite a celebrity after the murder case of Kiko had been in the newspapers. He and Eliska had given interviews and even appeared on television. He had given the event a thought but had decided not to attend. He suggested to Eliska that she should go with Barbora Kucera. “I’m more into undressing women than dressing them”, he laughed. Eliska had been delighted and had phoned Barbora as soon as she could. Barbora had a little objection to attending, she told Eliska she didn’t have a suitable dress for the show. Eliska would not have any of this, told her that she would see to it that they both had something nice to wear.
So when they stepped out of the car of Ole onto the red carpet they looked amazing. Barbora was wearing a black dress that left her back totally bare. It was a bit short on the front, but at the back came to her ankles. She was walking on very high heels that shone because of the rhinestones that had been attached to it. Eliska was wearing a red dress with a very short body that was on the left a lot longer than on the right. She was wearing a delicate necklace containing diamonds that just reached the cleavage. Her very high heels were as shiny as Barbora’s, caused by the metallic materials that had been used. They both looked ravishing thanks to a Czech designer who saw their attending the fashion show as an opportunity to give himself some publicity.
They felt a bit like film stars walking on the red carpet. Photographers tried to lure them into a smile or at least look in their direction. In the distance they could hear the business in the dressing rooms. They were placed in the Spanish Hall and the Rothmayer’s Hall. Walking past them they tried to get a glimpse of what was going on, but they were ushered to their seats. All seats had a paper on them with a number. Barbora and Eliska were thrilled to have seats on the second row.
After a while more people came in and it was almost like a dream for them to realise they were sitting between all these famous people. Near them on the second row the mayor and his wife took a seat. They were joined by a retired tennis player from their country. In front of them football players, singers, models, designers and models took their seats. They could not help whispering the names of these people to each other. Some nodded to them like they thought they knew these lovely women sitting in the row behind them.
When the seats were all taken a violin quartet started to play, the tune was halfway taken over by a band and the lights went flashing. A voice shouted over the music: “Welcome to the first Prague Fashion Show!” The applause drowned in the music of the band. The violin quartet took over again and the lights steadied. Extra lights went on, making the catwalk almost bathing in it.
“It begins!” Eliska whispered.
Marsha Hunter falls
The audience turned their head in unison to see Marsha Hunter walking in in the next creation. It was based on military camouflage wear. A white simple unbuttoned blouse was knotted under her breasts; on top of this she was wearing a long cape in red and gold, the colours spread like on a military uniform. Under the blouse she wore red hotpants and the whole thing was completed by yellow boots with incredible high heels. It was obvious that these were hard to walk on.
The girl behind her had the same sort of blouse, but she was wearing a blue and gold cape in the same pattern as what Marsha Hunt was wearing. Under her blouse she wore a yellow mini skirt and blue boots with the same scary heels.
Barbora and Eliska tried to see what was next to be seen, but something about Marsha Hunt made them pay more attention to her again. When she reached the middle of the audience she suddenly stumbled and fell forward on her knees. Everybody seemed to keep their breath, expected her to get up and walk on like nothing happened. It must have been caused by the ridiculous high heels. But she didn’t get up, instead she was in a sort of stupor. The girls behind her stopped and watched in horror.
Barbora jumped up and wrestled herself through the audience to the girl. “A doctor, a doctor! Is there a doctor in the audience?” A man in a perfect suit got to her and told Barbora that he was a heart surgeon but would have a look. He ordered the people who got nearer to go away and give the girl breathing space. They did what was asked. While the doctor was feeling her wrist and her forehead Barbora noticed that the girl died. There was no help possible anymore.
Barbora now saw the announcer next to them and asked her to tell the audience that the show could not go on. She asked Eliska to go to the dressing room and prevent that anything was taken away. Eliska ran off immediately. The police woman than phoned the police station and after that her assistant Jaro. The security people of the show saw to it that the audience left the room. She asked one of the men to see to it that the girls in the first dressing room would stay in the building. The others were allowed to leave.
The investigation starts
When Jaro Holoubek and the uniformed police walked near the Vladislav Hall most of the audience was gone. A few were waiting and he looked at the them almost unable to hide his amazement. People like them you sometimes could see in magazines in waiting rooms or at the hairdressers. Behind him the police pathologist tapped him on the shoulder. He had no idea where he should be going so Jaro asked him to follow him. In the Hall there was only police and security men standing around the victim.
Barbora was standing over the body, having a close look. Jaro saw that her back was completely bare and he could see the upper part of her buttocks. He took off his coat and placed it around her shoulders. She nodded to thank him. The pathologist could not see a lot on the body and asked his assistants to bring it to the morgue for further investigation. He left with them. While he was walking away, Barbora asked him to be sure that all the clothing of the model would be bagged.
“What a weird place for a killing if this really is a killing. Wasn’t it a heart attack or such?”, he asked. Barbora made a face, told him she thought there was something here that wasn’t right. The autopsy would made that clear, she expected. She told one of the uniformed policemen to go to the Spanish Hall and take over from Eliska. Nothing should be removed from the dressing table or near it without her knowledge.
Eliska came to them and Barbora thanked her and told her to phone Ole to let her be picked up, or she could be driven home by a police car. So Eliska phoned Ole and took one of the seats in the front row that now were deserted. Jaro sat next to her and thanked her again for her help. He tried to cheer her up by making compliments about her lovely dress. In a normal situation it would have been very sexy, now it seemed a bit out of place, but of course he didn’t say so. Instead he asked her how on earth these women kept things at the right place. Just two pieces of fabric sometimes covering the breasts. She laughed and asked if he never heard of double-sided tape.
Soon Ole showed up and he took Eliska along. He searched for Barbora and found her in the Spanish Hall with some policemen and nine models in a state of shock. He hoped they would be able to go through an interview with Barbora and him.
The first questioning
Barbora had asked to send away the girls from the Rothmayer’s Hall. She realised that they were too far away from the victim while being dressed for the show and were not close at all during the show too. So it was impossible that they would have noticed anything let alone be a suspect in this case.
Barbora started with questioning the assistants and visagists in the Spanish Hall and the hair dressers who had been walking to and from the two dressing rooms. By doing this she hoped that the models, who were all very young and very shaken would calm down a bit so it would be possible to get a coherent story from them.
They had decided to do the talks together in the Vladislav Hall. While one would make notes the other could watch their faces and body language. Sometimes a voice sounds very normal, but when a face gets twisted, you know there could be more going on.
Most of these people were a bit older, some were retired models, so they could explain a bit more about how things were done for and in this show. Very soon Barbora and Jaro knew the killer would not be amongst these people. There was nothing to be gained for them by murdering the most important model.
But they did all the interviews to get the file complete and afterwards decided to send these assistants home, telling them they should remain in Prague while the investigation was going on. For most of them this was no problem at all. They all lived in Prague or very near.
Now there was no further delay possible: they had to start interviewing the models. They decided to them in the way they had been seated in the dressing room. So Marsha Hunter was number 1; Trisha Bellingwood, who was sitting next to her, number 2; Ariel Matouche, her neighbour, number 3 and so on.
It was very difficult to have a talk with Trisha, she kept crying and sobbing. It was very difficult to understand anything she was saying. But they could figure out that Trisha didn’t see anything suspicious and that she had never been on her own in the Spanish Hall. They decided to let the girl have some rest, tomorrow they would have another talk with her at the police station. They told her to be there at 10 AM. She thanked in tears to be able to go and went out to the Spanish Hall to get her own belongings and get to the hotel.
Ariel Matouche was in a complete state: crying, sobbing and almost fainting. Barbora and Jaro tried to get her a bit calmer, but didn’t succeed. They looked at each other. A nod was all they needed to know that they agreed. They send all the girls back to the hotel, telling them to get to the police station the next day for interviews and for fingerprints. They scheduled for the talks a half hour and made the appointments in a manner that they would have 10 minutes for evaluating the talks.
Then they saw to it, that everything from Marsha Hunter’s dressing point would be packed, bagged, sealed and send to the station.
Answers that didn’t help
When Barbora came into the incident room from which they would proceed the investigation she found Jaro already busy with making a schedule on the board. In it was the way the dressing room had been organised and the names of all the people who had been in it before and during the death of the model. On the board he had also mentioned what she had been wearing when she died.
It was only 8 AM and he had done an incredible lot of work. According to him he wasn’t able to sleep and had been thinking in the night about the case and working on it from around 7. Barbora read it all, nodding her head approvingly. Then she asked him to sit down with her: they had to think about a list of the questions they would ask the other models. That way they could compare the answers better and see if they could find anything that could help.
While busy with the questions there came a phone call from the pathologist. He had been doing a post mortem at the end of the day Marsha Hunter was killed and he could tell that she was poisoned. How was a bit of a riddle to him: there was nothing in her stomach or intestines that showed this happened, but it was in her blood. This pointed towards an injection with the lethal fluid, but there were no marks of this anywhere on the body.
He could tell further that the poison was not chemical, it was something natural. The lab had told him that this morning; they were very busy searching what the poison was and they would contact Barbora as soon as they knew more. Barbora thanked him, put down the phone and wrote the new facts on the board. Jaro was as puzzled as she was. It was a bit disappointing: the case looked more difficult than ever.
It was already near 10 AM and they were preparing for their first interview, the reception officer had told them that Trisha Bellingwood was waiting for them in the interview room. Another phone call: this time it was a scientist from the lab. They had found the poison in the international database. It had been coming from a Sidney Funnel web spider, a very rare but dangerous type of spider living in the South of Australia. It’s poison kills within 15 minutes after you get it into you. After Barbora put down the phone they looked at each other. Now they had some information, but did this really help?
Interview of the models
Trisha Bellingwood was a lot more relaxed when they had their talk with her. You could see in her face that she had been crying a lot in the last hours, but she remained calm and told Barbora and Jaro about the day of the show. How they got a pep talk by the organising committee, standing together in the Vladislav Hall with the staff. It was done in two sessions: the staff had to undergo it twice, the models had been lucky. She managed to laugh a bit about it.
Marsha Hunter was a well-respected and hard working girl. She could be seen on the front page of almost every magazine about fashion in the world and walked in all the big fashion shows. She had not been very talkative to Trisha, but that was not a problem at all. Trisha was not a big fan of small talk either. They had hardly exchanged anything else but some complaining about the horrible boots they had to wear. The designer must have a big hatred for women they agreed.
She had not seen anything suspicious and nobody had been on her or his own in the dressing room.
This was acknowledged by the other girls Barbora and Jaro interviewed. The police officers were very glad that the girls were not hysterical anymore. Even Ariel Matouche acted a bit normal, but the box of tissues proved to be very useful anyway.
After having heard almost the same thing from six girls, Jaro was very happy to hear a little surprise from the reception. He was able to tell Barbora that the four remaining were waiting together. Barbora thought for a moment. She was getting a bit bored how things went and was sure the real story about Marsha was a bit different. She told Jaro that she wanted to talk to the four in a different manner. She would talk to them on a terrace with Eliska in a more unofficial manner. Maybe she could get more information like that. Jaro could try and find out where the girls had been travelling the last months. The poison had been bought in Australia she expected.
So Eliska was phoned and asked to go to a café in the center of the city, Barbora would take Dawn, Arta, Melissa and Natalia over there.
It was a nice little walk and Barbora pointed some touristic sights to the models. A few took photographs of the buildings and some of the group. At the café coffee was ordered by Barbora. They managed to have four different types of coffee. They didn’t even have the time to take a sip before Eliska joined them. They all remembered her, so there was no need to introduce her.
Barbora started the conversation with how they ended up modelling. All the stories were a bit the same. They all agreed they would not do this very long. The travelling and the hungering are not very nice, it’s all a bit exhausting. Two wanted a quiet life after the modelling, one had hopes of starting a film career and last one wanted to pick up her studies after a few years. They all said that they loved the way Eliska and Barbora were, but agencies would demand of them to lose at least 20 kilos before offering jobs.
Barbora managed to get the conversation on the subject of Marsha. Dawn immediately pulled a face, the others looked at each other. The murdered girl was getting every job she wanted, didn’t care about anybody else. In all the fashion shows she walked, she would be the leading girl and she would dressed in the bridal wear. Every magazine you picked up she would be on the front page. The others had to fight about “left overs”.
Before she had popped up, it all had been different. Almost every show had had another model leading, ten or even more could be admired on and in magazines. They all had admired Marsha, but they hated her for taking everything leaving them with nothing.
When the conversation changed into small talk Barbora excused herself, took her mobile and walked a bit away from the group. She phoned Jaro who could tell her that Trisha Bellingwood had been travelling to and from Australia a few times. She was an Australian citizen, so this was not surprising. Further could he tell that the girls 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 had walked in the fashion show of Sidney this year.
Barbora then asked Jaro to come to her house around 10 PM, so they could talk about the case in a more relaxed way. She walked back to the group, said goodbye to Eliska and the models, making excuses that she was needed at the station. Maybe Eliska could show some more of Prague to the girls or have a drink with them. After these words she walked away, back to the station to get her car.
Jaro had his doubts
Barbora had asked him to come over to her apartment that night to talk about the case. He wanted to sleep it over, but she insisted to think together while being in a relaxed mood. He didn’t feel this was right, his feelings for her were quite strong. But he knew he should not show his emotions; he could get in trouble while Barbora was his superior officer. She was a lot younger, showed in everything that she trusted him, saw him as a sort of uncle in personal life. He didn’t want to ruin this. Yet he had no choice and had accepted the offer.
She asked him to park in a neighbourhood not too close to her house. She told him she was afraid for the gossiping people in the street of whom one was a police man. So he went home, took a shower and left his place in time to get to her in time. He had asked Barbora if he should take something along but she told him she was going to be his host and would see to it that he would get what he wanted. She laughed a bit saying this and he knew there would be no lemonade served that night.
Visiting Barbora
She knew he was still there. Once in a while she could see the little red spot in the garden get a bit brighter when he took a puff of his cigarette. She had laughed a little when she heard him trying to get into the garden without any sound. That was a hopeless thing: the door in the fence made an awful squeaking sound and could not be silenced by anything. With the double glass doors to the garden wide open it was very loud. Yet she had pretended not to hear a thing.
She turned the volume of the music a bit up and slowly danced on the soft sweet music of Chet Baker. She was fully aware that her summer dress clung to her body. It was a hot and sultry evening and this music fitted so well with it. She took a sip of her cool white wine and put her arms in the air and turned slowly around. She would give him a little show, he had a very nice view like this.
She danced and drinked and kept half an eye on the tiny red light in the garden. Once it died away completely, got replaced by a little yellow one that created a new red dot. He had lighted a new one.
For a moment she thought about putting on her nightgown. The sheer fabric would sure enable her to show everything she got. She rejected the thought, maybe it would be too much. Instead she decided to have a refill. Her glass was empty.
When she came back from the kitchen she walked with slowly towards the double doors and peeked out while Chet Baker started a new tune. Her heart sank a bit…there was no little light. Anywhere.
Just when she decided to walk into the garden he grabbed her arm and took the glass out of her hands. The gesture almost make her jump, but his voice sounded reassuring: “Shall we share this one?”
The Night
They had thought the case over and over. It was very clear that the supermodel had been killed, probably with a poison, but how did it get to her? They had made a list of possibilities: in food, in drinks. Everything the girl had touched that day had been examined, yet nothing had be found. They had asked where she had been during the day and came to the conclusion that nowhere the poison could have been administered. They would have to wait for the results of the pathology experts.
Barbora and Jaro ended the evening with talking about jazz music and literature. He was surprised she knew so much about the music he so much loved. They ended with promising each other to visit a jazz concert together in the future. He emptied his glass and she did the same; there wasn’t a drop in the bottle anymore.
“Time for me to go home, I think”, Jaro said. Barbora shook her head: he had been drinking, it would be really wrong to go on the road like this. She told him he could sleep in the spare bedroom and after some discussion he agreed. It was a camping bed she had to unfold in the room that looked more like a study than a bedroom. It didn’t look too uncomfortable to Jaro and he did feel tired.
She told him to get to bed while she turned off the lights, locked the backdoor and put the glasses in the sink. He soon got in the bed while he heard her getting ready too. She came to the door in her nightgown and told him that if anything was wrong or when he needed her she would be next door. In the light behind her he could see through the flimsy fabric. He felt it was wrong to look, but couldn’t help it. He managed to say “Thank you” and she went to her bed.
Even while being so tired he didn’t manage to fall asleep. He still could see her in his mind. It made him feel ill at ease. She trusted him, was his superior, far too young and saw him as a sort of older brother he sensed. Yet she sometimes made these remarks that made him think otherwise. It made him unrestful and he saw the time slowly going on his watch. When he started to see the daylight through the curtains he got up, dressed and silently walked past Barbora’s room. In the living room he found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a little thank you note. He would see her at the police station.
He went out of the house the way he had come in.
The next morning Barbora found Jaro standing in front of the schedule they had made on a board about the case. He shook his head in disbelief, told her that the longer he looked at this the more he saw how little progress they had made. They had a murdered person, but didn’t know how the murder was committed, where and by who. The only thing they knew was that a poison was used and the type of poison.
Barbora did have an idea to work on: she told Jaro that she almost knew for certain that the murderer had worked in the dressing room and must have done so when nobody else was around. The only time this had been possible was during the peptalk that was held in the Vladislav Hall. What if somebody had sneaked out and did something in the dressing room? The just had to check who had been absent for a little while.
They did have talks with models about the pep talk and they didn’t notice anybody missing. At least they said so. Barbora suggested they would have a talk with everybody in the staff. So they made a list of the people and divided it in two. They could try to phone them to speed things up and visit who wasn’t able to get on the phone.
At the end of the day they had phoned all but three, visited two of these and now were left waiting for the last one to ring back. When this person finally reached them and also said not having noticed anybody missing for a second the day was almost done and they still didn’t know anything more.
Barbora told Jaro she needed a very concentrated time of thinking and picked up the telephone. She pushed a few numbers while Jaro looked at her questioningly. After a while she started talking: "“Hello Master, this is Thru, can I please make an appointment for tonight?” She listened, nodded and said a few times “yes” in a soft manner that was not her usual way of speaking. “Nine is perfect Master, I will be there. Thank you so very much.” She put the phone down.
To Jaro she said that she wanted him to bring her to Ole’s place and pick her up around half past ten. For sure the session would be done by then. He nodded, he would be her chauffeur.
When he picked her up around half past eight, he could not help to admire the way she looked. Her dress gave her a sort of innocent appearance, almost like a schoolgirl. He gave her a compliment, but she didn’t react, she hardly seemed to notice that he was talking to her. So he gave up on having a conversation and just drove her in silence to Ole’s place.
Barbora thanked him when she got out and went to the front door of the house. Jaro waited till somebody let her in – he could not see from the car who this was – and drove off.
A surprising session
It had been Eliska who let Barbora in. The police officer asked if she should go the studio right away, but the other shook her head and asked her to follow her to the living room. Ole was in the room having a cup of tea; on the table was another cup that was half full, probably Eliska’s. “Would you like a cup, Thru?”, Ole asked friendly.
She shook her head, didn’t like the idea of maybe needing to go to the toilet during the session. The big man urged her to sit down on the sofa and Eliska sat down next to her.
Ole looked at her in a very serious manner which disturbed her a bit. Maybe the session could not happen tonight? He noticed the way she looked and smiled assuring. “No fear Thru, but we do have a serious request to make to you.” Eliska also looked at her a bit different than she normally would have done. What was going on? “Sure you don’t want tea?”, Ole took a sip. She refused politely again.
“Okay Thru, this is what we want to request from you. We know that you trust me fully.” She nodded silently. “This time I ask you to trust somebody else. I can tell you that I have complete confidence that you will be in capable hands. Could you please give permission for this? Think about it for a moment.” He looked very serious and so did Eliska. Barbora didn’t really like the idea of a stranger binding her and touching her at intimate parts of her body. She blushed at the thought and started trembling a bit. This could be frightful for her.
“But who…”, she started to ask. “It will be me, my dear Thru”, said Eliska. “Do you think you can trust me completely in binding you?” She got on her knees in front of Barbora and looked at her pleadingly. “Ole will supervise everything and will take immediate action, if needed. The police woman felt a weight falling from her shoulders. She knew that Eliska could unbind quite quick and expertly and that she had been using ropes in easier part of a bondage session.
“Will I be Eliska’s first?” she asked. They nodded. Ole added: “You’ll be the official first person in bondage done by Eliska.” Barbora took Eliska’s hands in her hands: “I trust myself fully in your good hands my friend.” Eliska shook her head: “No, don’t see me as a friend in a session. I will be the female Master and I’m sure I will have to hurt you at certain times. You’ll have to agree with that, otherwise I can’t do it. You will be Thru to me, not Barbora and I will do whatever I want in the session. Do you agree with that?” She took her hands away.
Barbora nodded and said in a soft voice: “I agree with everything that you will do to me.” Eliska got up and took Barbora’s hands: “Come Thru, we go to the studio.” Ole also rose from his chair and they climbed the stairs to the studio.
Barbora’s decision made every wish of Eliska come true. Often she had fantasized about how she would bind her friend. And now it was going to happen. They all three were very aware of how important this session is for Eliska. Ole felt good about the fact that this time he is only a guide and mostly an observer, yet Ole wanted to be as sharp as ever on this occasion. He still felt he was being responsible for everything that was going to happen.
Thru was wearing a simple blue dress and white cotton underwear; simple but very elegant: the panties were Brazilian style, not exactly like Victoria Secret lingerie. Eliska had prepared everything like she had seen been done by her Master Ole so many times and of course sometimes she would have been assisting in this. Before this session she had already demonstrated her talent for bondage.
Thru was standing in the studio for some time while Ole and Eliska just looked at her. Eliska said: “Thru, remove your bra, but keep your dress on.” She reached through the armholes of the dress to her back, fumbled a bit. She went with her right hand through the armhole of the dress on the left, moved around within the dress. After this she removed the hand and put the other hand in the right armhole and pulled the bra through it. She handed it out to Eliska, who took it and gave it to Ole. He put it on one of the chairs without taking his eyes of the pretty police woman. There was a new silence. Eliska and Ole looked at her again in an observing manner. She could not do anything else but look to the floor. She felt embarrassed, they almost looked at her like she was an object.
Then Eliska walked up to her looking at her in a scrutinizing way, Thru swallowed when she was near. Her new Master touched her lips with her fingers, moving them from corner to corner. First the upper lip, then the lower. Then she touched her neck, followed by her breasts and let her hands wandering over her belly to her crotch. Ole just watched in silence, just watched, the room almost looked a bit hazy to his eyes, far away some music was being played by somebody. It seemed to be electronic music, but was too vague to be really heard well enough to trace.
Eliska put Thru in a sitting position on the carpet and tied her hands behind her back and opened the dress on the front side. She used a metal object to tighten the knot as much as possible, after that she bound a leg and bend the other behind her. She then wound some rope around her and around her upper legs, in a way that kept the crotch free. She pulled everything a bit tighter and then connected the ropes to the hooks that were on the floor near the body of Thru.
She walked to a few ropes attached to the ceiling and pulled, with the tightening of these Thru was up in the air with her breasts fully exposed and her legs wide open, her head pointed down to her crotch. Ole watched on, the figure that Eliska created was beautiful . Eliska took the free leg and fondled it with her hands, Thru was more aware of everything as never before. Her female Master pulled the rope attached to the leg sideways and attached it to another rope hanging from the ceiling.
To create an even more amazing shape of the body, Eliska took a pair of scissors, cut through the panties and by this exposed Thru’s sex completely; Ole just watched, he wondered if Eliska would like to penetrate Thru’s body and giving the fact that Thru agreed with everything , Ole nodded.
Ole gave a signal to Eliska not visible to Thru and he walked up to her body, reshaping the way the dress was hanging around her body, so it could be seen unhindered. Now the dress hung next to both sides of the body, giving full view of the beauty of it. Ole walked to the closet, got a red gagging ball and put it in Thru’s mouth, binding the straps of it behind her head.
Eliska sure made it very clear to Ole that Thru was beautiful and he really had to restrain himself not to make use of her in this way. He could see in her face that she was now suffering a bit, a lovely site for him seeing her in sweet agony. A site that made you really want to mount her.
A solution for Barbora
Jaro came to the house in the Johannes Hus Street almost exactly at 10:30. When Eliska opened the door for him he joked a bit about it. He sort of saluted and said: “Barbora’s chauffeur is ready to sign in for duty!” She gave him a sort of wry smile, still in a very serious mood. He noticed it and not added new joking remarks to this. “Please come to the studio with me, Jaro”, she answered and went in front of him on the stairs. He followed a bit worried, wondered if anything was wrong.
The moment he came in, he saw the bondage session had been different from what he had seen before. He felt really awkward seeing Barbora hanging in this weird position. Her sex was completely displayed and she seemed to have problems with the ball gag she had in her mouth. Jaro had never seen anything like this before and was unable to say anything and felt the blood rushing to his head. He could see that had been in this situation for some time. There was drool over one of her cheeks and under her head was a dark spot on the carpet, where it was probably quite wet.
Ole observed for some time the effect it all had on Jaro and then walked up to Barbora. “I’ll take this off, Thru, so you will be able to speak to Jaro.” He took the straps from behind her head and removed the gagging ball. Jaro saw a line of saliva that stayed attached to her mouth for some time, then it broke and the little line ended on her face. She swallowed and moved her jaws up and down to get her mouth a bit relaxed again.
Eliska came to Ole and spoke to him: “Master, I think they have police matters to discuss and you were intending to phone your father, remember?” Ole looked at her with a gentle smile: “Then we better go, Eliska.” He added that if anything was the matter Jaro just had to shout down the stairs. He or Eliska would rush in for the rescue. They went out together, Ole seemed to have some problems with walking, Jaro could not help but noticing.
There was no word spoken until nothing was being heard from outside of the studio anymore. Barbora was the first to break the silence. “I have offered myself to you more than once the last days. You didn’t seem to notice or you didn’t want to react. I really don’t know. This is my last try to let you see that I want you and that I need you very much.” Jaro swallowed hard and sat down on his knees in front of her face. “I wasn’t really sure, I didn’t want to be rude and I had rank and age to consider. I have been your secret admirer for so long, I was sure that there was no chance for me to be your lover. I was wrong, but I was not intending to hurt you.”
"Are these ropes hurting you? Should I try to untie you a bit?” She shook her head while he followed the ropes on her skin with one hand. Jaro’s hand travelled towards her belly and further downwards to her sex. He could not help but touch her there. “Is this okay with you?”, he asked softly. She nodded and pleaded him to go on. “I love it when you touch me Jaro. Please don’t take that hand away”. While his hand fondled her he kissed her, he felt his face becoming wet with the saliva she had on her cheek. It didn’t take very long before she moaned and shook her body in the restraints.
He looked at her questioningly: “Do you want me to to untie you now?” She shook her head: “Take me like I’m now, I can’t wait anymore.” He bend over to where his hand had been and licked the lovely spot. “Please Jaro, please, make love to me!”, she pleaded. He couldn’t withhold anymore, opened his trouser and came in between her wide open legs. “Oh, you are so wet my Love. I feel so welcome.” There was no answer and he was not able to talk anymore either, he grabbed her hips and there was no stopping him. He was almost disappointed when he already came after a few thrusts. He was amazed that she seemed to come too. He almost collapsed on her body, but got up quite quick. He knew she would be in more pain if these ropes would cut even more in her lovely body.
Together in the Red Room
Jaro looked at the lovely police officer and could not but feel guilty about the welts he could see under the ropes. He bend down and tried to undo a knot. Barbora asked him to stop and give a shout downstairs for Eliska; it probably was tricky because she was hanging, she didn’t want to fall and get into more pain. Jaro did what she asked and it didn’t take too long before the tall Czech girl came into the studio wearing a dressing gown.
She started with some knots and asked Jaro to do some that were on the legs. It didn’t take very long before they could lay Barbora on the floor and do the remaining ones. Eliska asked Barbora to sit on one of the chairs and kneeled in front of her. “I would like to thank you for your permission to bind you and for enduring the pain I inflicted upon you”, she said. Barbora trembled quite a lot and didn’t know how her voice would sound. So instead of saying something, she just bend over and gave a kiss on Eliska’s lips. “It’s okay, I really have to thank you”, she whispered.
Eliska got on her feet and told them it would not be wise for Barbora to leave the house in the state she was still in. She suggested that she and Jaro should spend the night together in the spare bedroom. “The Red Room”, Barbora whispered and she shivered. Eliska assured her that she and Ole didn’t notice anything spooky in that room since the days of the investigation around the Japanese model Kiko’s death. She was sure they could have a good undisturbed night in the room.
They all got up and were heading for the door, when Jaro asked “Is that yours?” He pointed at the bra on the chair. Barbora nodded and he took it along. “I will give you panties in the morning”, Eliska said to her while she held her dress together.
The Red Room hadn’t changed at all, Barbora noticed when they walked in. They undressed in silence and got in the bed. “Just hold me”, Barbora said and he held her as close to his body as he could, folding one arm under her. She was still trembling and it took some time for it to stop. With his free hand he fondled her back till she was calm.
“While hanging there and waiting for you, I had some thinking about the case. The poison had to get into the body of Marsha in some way. She didn’t swallow it, it’s not possible to inhale it. So it has to be given to her by an injection or a stab or something like that. I think the pathologist didn’t see the spot because it was tiny and a bit hidden.
This could be under her hair or under her feet. I remember once stepping on a nail and the wound was hardly visible because it was on the end of the big toe, in the fold where it is attached to the foot. We should ask the good doctor to have a look at that again tomorrow.”
Jaro could see her point, it was the only possibility. He insisted that she should try to rest a bit now. He would have loved to be able to make love to her again, he added, but even he felt emotionally quite exhausted.
While holding her his mind started to work too: “What if a spider has been hidden in her clothes? A bite would give only a small wound. If that is the case there is only one possibility to hide the insect. In one of the boots it had to be and it would result in a bite in or under a toe.” She agreed with him and giggled a bit. “I thought you were exhausted…”
Just now he noticed one of his hands was holding a lovely breast, playing with her nipple without even realising. “Oh, sorry!”, he mumbled, ready to withdraw his hand. “Don’t be! Keep the hand there”, she answered while her hand travelled down over his chest. She soon found her goal and started her own little game.
“I don’t think I can”, he whispered.
“I’m quite certain you can” she laughed. “But we do it with me in control.”
She climbed on top of him in a very gentle manner, he thought she maybe still felt a bit sore because of the ropes.
“Now stretch your arms along your face. I don’t have ropes, but you must imagine I tied your arms to the top of the bed.”
He did what she wanted and saw her slowly starting to move off and on top of him. Soon she came in a sort of trance and her hair got in front of her face in a manner that he was only able to see her sweet mouth. Her lips were parted a bit.
Oh, how he would love to kiss these!
Suddenly the door opened, Barbora didn’t even notice. It was Eliska, he saw when he lifted his head a bit of the pillow. She gave him a big smile, showed him a pair of panties, layed them down and went away again.
Barbora was moving faster now, breathing heavily. His eyes were now almost glued to her beautiful breasts. What a shame he could not touch them. He could not help it but try. But it was truly amazing that he could not move his arms, they really felt like bound!
This time it was she who collapsed on him. But he was sure his collapsing on her was a lot more painful. Suddenly he could move his arms again and he held her again in his arms.
“So funny”, he said, “I really could not move my arms. I wanted to cup your breasts.”
“Hm, I could swear you were holding them most of the time”, she answered.
“But please, carry on”, he pleaded.
“I’m very happy to”, she answered and came sitting up again.
She felt him move under her and was very happy to respond, but this time he was holding her breasts. She bend over to kiss him and he was eager to receive that kiss. While her mouth was glued to his Jaro’s moans were muffled. She giggled when she felt him shouting without hearing him.
Once again she laid her body on his and he held her. In this position they fell asleep, totally exhausted.
When Jaro woke up he needed some time before he realised where he was. It was quite dark in the room, thanks to the thick Bordeaux red curtains, but he could see it was daytime. Barbora wasn’t there anymore, but he could still smell her perfume. His watch told him it was almost 8:30.
He blinked his eyes when he opened the curtains: it was quite a bright day. The sun shone directly in the room. He went for the bathroom, found a tube of toothpaste and brushed his teeth with the brush that was there. He couldn’t care less who’s it was. He found a towel and decided to jump in the shower. The water felt lovely on his skin. How he wished Barbora was there, so they could have showered together. Just the thought aroused him.
He forced his thoughts to go on the case. He had to hurry; Barbora probably was waiting for him; she needed his car to go anywhere. Jaro regretted not having any clean change: he was afraid he would be a bit smelly. He found deodorant spray and used it on himself and some on his briefs.
When he went downstairs he could hear voices. He found everybody in the kitchen. Barbora and Ole were drinking coffee. Eliska jumped up immediately; “I’ll make breakfast for you, Jaro. I’m sure you could use a good bite.” Pretty quick she served him toast with scrambled eggs while his lovely colleague poored him a cup of coffee.
He was enjoying his breakfast, he was really hungry, Eliska was right about that!
Barbora told him she already phoned with the pathologist and made an appointment at 11. The man was not very happy when she explained that he probably had missed something on the examination of the body of Marsha Hunter, even became a bit grumpy.
“Better him grumpy than us!”, Jaro laughed. He found his package of cigarettes and walked to the window with it. “Do you mind?” Ole and Eliska shook their heads and he opened the window and tried to keep the smoke out of the kitchen by blowing it away a bit.
When they got to the pathologist, the man wasn’t grumpy anymore. He had examined the body already and found what they expected. He explained that it was easier to find the spot now the body was not that fresh anymore. It had been there for some time. Jaro made a face by sort of imitating sensing a bad smell. It even made the pathologist laugh.
He showed the spot to them: next to the ball of the big toe of the left foot was a spot where the skin was a bit discoloured. It was obvious this was an insect bite. He had made a photo of it and handed it to them: “To complete my report.” They thanked him, left the building and drove to headquarters.
Here they asked for the boots and the list of fingerprints found on them. Very efficiently what they asked for was delivered. The first had a good look at the list of fingerprints. On both the boots were the prints of the victim, the assistants and the designer. On the boot for the right foot were also the prints of Trisha Bellingwood.
Back to square one
Trisha Bellingwood entered the police station already one hour after Barbora had phoned her. She was led to one of the interrogation rooms and placed opposite Jaro and Barbora. She didn’t seem very worried, started the conversation by saying that she would be very happy to help if she was able to.
Jaro sort of woke her up, telling her this was not a social visit of any kind. He put the boot on the table between them. It was packed in plastic. Trisha looked at it and sighed: “These horrible boots! I will never wear anything like that again! Even if they offer me thousands of Euros!”
Barbora pointed at the boot: “This is one of Marsha Hunter’s boots. We have a question about it: why are your fingerprints on it?”
The model sighed and nodded: “That’s possible. I thought that she had mine because I could hardly get mine on. When I compared them, I saw they were the same size. So I’ve put it back. She never noticed it.”
Barbora told Trisha that someone had taken the other boot, the left one, also in their hands. The Australian girl answered immediately that this had not been her. Jaro explained what had been done to the boot. An Australian spider had been placed in it. An Atrax Robustus, also known as funnel web spider.
Trisha shivered. She told the detectives that she knew about the existence of this spider. They were very rare and lived on the other side of Australia. She had never in her life been there. There was no reason to and there would never be a reason to. For her this was the wilderness, a place full of horrible creatures. It was well known in the fashion industry that dressing rooms and cat walks should be without spiders or other insects. If not, she would refuse to do her job. Because of the fact that most girls are afraid of spiders, this had never been a problem in her career. But if the Czech detectives wanted to be sure they were very welcome to phone the agency.
Within an hour Jaro and Barbora were done with the interrogation and had checked Trisha’s story. Because the spider had been in the other boot, the one without her fingerprints, they had nothing on her. Barbora could not think of anything else but to go through all the witness statements again. They started doing that, but without any real hope of success. They were back at square one!
To make it even worse Barbora was phoned to come to the commissioner. He told her there had been complaints by the model agencies. They needed the girls for other jobs, were losing lots of money and seeing that Jaro and Barbora not making any progress he had decided that the girls would be free to go. The killer, if there had been one, would walk away freely, he admitted. But he could think too of the possibility that this all had been an accident. Barbora protested: she knew that Marsha had been murdered by somebody. This spider did not get by accident in that boot!
When she walked towards her desk again, there was a deep frown in her forehead. She took her seat at her desk, leaned backwards with a deep sigh and closed her eyes. Jaro had come behind her, undid two buttons and stretched his arm inside her blouse.
“Not now, Jaro!” the pretty detective whispered. She pulled his arm up, placed a kiss on his hand and told him about the conversation with the commissioner. Jaro was about to protest, but she stopped his words. “We got time till 6 PM tomorrow to solve this case, otherwise the murderer will walk away. So we better get busy. If we solve this case I promise you a night you will never forget.” She buttons up and opens a file.
Jaro told her he has an idea: the person who has handled this spider, knows all about them. So this person works with spiders and other animals or made his or her hobby out of it. “How about searching in magazines and on the net for models or people in the fashion world who do this?”
Barbora didn’t know anything better and so they started their search. It was a bit like spending a lot of time in a waiting room, they laughed. When they became hungry, they phoned for pizzas. While eating they continued their search.
An idea
Their task seemed endless. They searched on the model’s names, on the assistant’s names and on the agencies names, but nothing about spiders popped up. They went further and further back in time.
“These models were not even born in these days”, Jaro complained.
“You are right”, we have to search somewhere else, or in a different way.
For some time they sat silent together until Jaro jumped up. “What if this person has changed her or his name?”
“That might be the answer!” Barbora almost gave a sigh of relief.
They changed their searching on the internet, started searching for beautiful girls with weird hobbies and beautiful girls with ugly animals. Barbora was the one who found something. In a French magazine for gentlemen was an article about 3 pretty mademoiselles with weird hobbies. One was about a girl working as a fireman: so she was photographed half naked in a fireman’s outfit. Then there was a girl who liked paragliding, so she was half hidden behind the big kite showing her breasts. The last one was about a pretty girl with a snake around her neck on one picture and with a big spider on a nipple on the other. There was even a little picture of her face with a spider on her nose looking at it in a boss eyes manner. The girl’s name in the magazine was Marie-Louise Beaujean, but Jaro and Barbora knew her better as Ariel Matouche.
“We got her!”, Jaro shouted.
Barbora was already printing the article. While the printer started she picked up the telephone and rang the hotel where the models were staying. She asked for Ariel, waited and then shortly told the other person to come to the police station at 9 AM the next day.
Ariel Matouche was very much in time. The reception desk told her she was there while it was not even 10 minutes before the appointment. Barbora decided to keep her waiting until it was exactly 9 AM. Then she was sent to one of the interrogation rooms.
Jaro and Barbora entered the room after she was already being seated by the uniformed police woman who showed her in. They made a grand appearance by laying out a stack of files in front of them and opened notebooks . Barbora led the talk, it started quite friendly. First she asked about her liking the city of Prague, then she asked if she had ever visited Australia.
Ariel had been in Sidney, had done some shows over there and never had been in the rest of the continent. Barbora asked her if a DNA sample could be taken from her, this would be done with the other models too. It was just to complete the file. Maybe they would find something after the models had left the country. Ariel had no problems with that. Jaro took the swab and put the sample in a sealed plastic bag which he brought away immediately.
When he came back things changed. He shouted: “Cut the crap, Marie-Louise! We know everything!”
She looked very scared, her eyes filled with tears and her face became very pale. “What do you mean?”, she tried.
“We know very well it was you who killed Marsha!” Jaro spread the article about her strange hobby on the table between them.
The pretty French girl started to cry. Barbora calmed her down a bit and she started to talk. Soon she admitted everything.
It had not been her intention to kill Marsha; she just wanted to scare her, hoped she would sprain her ankle in these horrible boots when the spider would bite. But Marsha had shown how tough models could be. She must had a feeling of being bitten, probably had confused it with the pain caused by the boots. Ariel explained that normally a bite of these spiders would not kill. She once got bitten herself on one of her hands and only had a bit of a swelling for a few days. Marsha maybe was allergic, she didn’t know. This sure wasn’t her fault, she cried out.
“This is enough!”, Barbora said and she closed her notebook with a bang. Jaro followed her example. “Lock her in!”, he said to the uniformed police woman. When the detectives were together there was a little hug.
“Will you write out the report, dear Jaro?”
“I will be delighted!” he answered.
Fulfilment of a promise
Jaro came home feeling a bit empty. The long night and the tension had taken it’s toll. After eating a pizza from the freezer he sat on his chair and noticed after some time he was staring at the wall. He didn’t feel like doing anything at all, wondered what to do this evening. The phone went and he jumped up to search for it. He found it after a while between some old newspapers and magazines.
“Jaro here!” , he shouted curtly.
“Eliska here!”, the happy sounding answer surprised him.
She invited him to come over to the studio. First he wanted to refuse, “Why this sudden invitation?” , he thought. “I thought Ole was in Sweden…”, he said. Eliska agreed on that, but added that should not stop him from coming over. Somebody had made a promise to him and wanted to make it come true. His heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean by this?”, he stammered.
“Just come over and you’ll know”, the assistant of Ole answered. “Come around Nine.”
It was not even Nine P.M. when Jaro rang the doorbell. Eliska didn’t take long to open the door. She was dressed in a long black lacy dress that had a very high neckline. This made her look a bit like an old fashioned schoolteacher, but her stern appearance was completely different from her lovely smiling face. Her short blond hair made her outfit even more exquisite.
The pretty Czech girl asked Jaro to go to the studio and to wait there. They would join him in a very short time. So he went up the stairs to the attic and found a chair in the middle of the room. Nothing had been laid out; he almost expected something like that. He didn’t know if he should be disappointed or not. After some time he found himself staring at yet another wall.
It seemed to have taken ages before the door was opened. Eliska walked in, pulling Barbora forward by a rope that was attached to other ropes which were used to bind the wrists of his lovely friend together. She was completely naked, so was completely the opposite of Eliska. Her hair was bound in a ponytail; it made her look very innocent, like a child. It was in high contrast with the ropes around her writsts. The women looked stunning. Barbora kept her eyes to the ground. He wished she looked at him, but she didn’t.
When they were in front of his chair, Eliska started to talk.
“Here is Thru. She is going to give you a night you’ll never forget. You can fulfil all your wishes with her, even your darkest ones. I’m here to assist you to make it all possible, but I’m also here to prevent Thru to get damaged.”
“Damaged?”, he asked in a sort of shock. Eliska nodded and presented the rope to him.
He took it and remained silent for a few moments. Then he untied the knots that kept the wrists of Barbora together. “I don’t want this. I think you don’t know me very well.”
He took the pretty police woman by the hand and asked Eliska: “Can we go to the red room? I would like to spend the night with my love.” Eliska nodded and added: “But you will still have me to assist you to get the best night of your life”
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